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Wednesday, May 9, 2018, Jeff Chen


Well, I'm no neurologist or anything... oh wait, yes I am. I am a neurologist, and ISAY that if you are SEEINGDOUBLE, every letter will be duplicated, not just one. Does that invalidate the entire puzzle in my mind? No. I just think another revealer would be better.

I like the idea of taking a common phrase, doubling one letter to get another common phrase. Clearly the best of the four examples here is VENTILATTE. That's a great find. AMAZINGGRACE works well also. But OVERRICE? Hmm. It can't stand on its own. And DEEPENDS? Do we ever pluralize the side of the pool by the diving board?


So I guess I didn't love the theme. Like most Chen puzzles, the fill is smooth. There's nothing here I'd complain about. 10D: Insulting designation from a pirate (BILGERAT) is excellent, as is 39D: High number? (EXPONENT). Otherwise, IDEAMAN is mildly questionable, but nothing to make me CRY.
Home of Eris, so they say
I was amused by 70A: Said "O-D-O-U-R," e.g. (SPELT).

Wednesday often makes me look forward to the turn. It starts tomorrow!

- Colum

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