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"Like the Moon Doesn't Mind"

"... if the sun doesn't shine, the sea doesn't care if you're lonesome tonight."

It's not the most interesting Bachmann tune, but I haven't heard anything from him since Crooked Fingers disbanded (tear), and it's nice to hear his voice again (tear two). He performed in Durham, NC several years back in the basement of the now defunct Bully's Cheeseburgers and Cheesesteaks, one of the many establishments that fell victim to my awkward waitressing "talents." I totally forgot there was a small poorly run music venue in the basement of that dump, and Crooked Fingers actually played there. Very random in retrospect. I met Mr. Bachmann after the show, shook his giant hand, and went generally speechless like I'm want to do in such scenarios. I think I muttered something about loving his music. Because I'm cool like that and very original. And that, my friends, was the beginning and the end of yet another passionately imaginary love affair.

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